Table of Contents
Click on an author's name to navigate directly to their work. Or, begin reading here.
Stephen Kuusisto
Staff, Acknowledgements, Gratitude
Etude on the White Piano
The Pink Shoes
My Illness
What My Illness Said to Me
The Still-wild Lakes of Canada
After Wei Yung-wu (in Red Pine’s translation)
But of Course the Birds Won
In Their Sadness and Sometimes
​Three Poems
Kathy Blue
Small Game Training
The Not-So-New Normal
Liminal Barbie (2)
An Addiction
The Long Faultless Tongue of God
Valentine for Dr. Van Helsing
The Invisible Girl
Taxiing to the Runway, the Pilot Explains His Genesis
The News
After the Dawn Birds
For Nora
Wednesday Afternoon, April 4th
After my childhood friend shot himself in the heart
Triple Jeopardy!
I'd Like to Find my Final Line
Illustrating an Odyssey — Three Days in a Life with Long Covid
Poems from Somewhere on the Ledge of Fallen Things
Small as Hope in the Helicopter Rain
Autism on the Earth’s Delicate Carpet
Less Like Strides Toward Anything
The Deep Falling Inside Her
You Want an Encore
A Gesture Too Tired Not to Speak
Where Something Was Once Made
People You May Know
How Nothing Ever Rises into Place
Maybe if I Start Small
Somewhere on the Ledge of Fallen Things​​
Poems from The Importance of Being Feeble-Minded
Beauty and Shadow
Birth Magic
Have a Great Day
Hymn for Lighting the Sky
The Idle Remark
Lick the Toad
The Scholars
The Three Trees at Hudimesnil
Waiting by the Door
Poems from How Can I Say it was Not Enough​
The Dressing Table
Mother’s Perfume
In Church
Mother Love
When All is Said and Done: Mother at Eighty-Five
After the Golden Afternoon
Mothers and Daughters
Old Roses
My Mother’s Voice
Madame X
Andrea Scarpino and Cynthia Hogue
A Conversation about Cynthia Hogue’s instead, it is dark
Matthew Lippman and David Weiss
An Email Conversation that Begins with Two Poems

Publisher: Nine Mile Art Corp.
Editors: Stephen Kuusisto, Andrea Scarpino, and David Weiss
Founding Editor: Bob Herz
Managing Editor: Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri
Cover Art by Elena Ciletti
The publishers gratefully acknowledge support of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. We also acknowledge support of the County of Onondaga and CNY Arts through the Tier Three Project Support Grant Program. This project is made possible with a General Support/Tier Three Project Support grant from the County of Onondaga, with the support of County Executive Ryan McMahon and the Onondaga County Legislature, administered by CNY Arts, and the Propel Foundation.
Nine Mile Magazine is an imprint of Nine Mile Art Corp.
This publication would not have been possible without the generous support of these groups.
We are very grateful to them all.
Poetry and artwork copyright of their respective authors and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any technology or format without prior written permission from its owner.